We exist, to invite all people to come as you are, to become joyful disciples of Jesus Christ and make God’s love known everywhere.
Parish Priest - Fr. David Boyd
Community Circle of Prayer
Please join us this Friday at 7pm for our Community Circle of Prayer. This is a half hour event which allows us to come together to pray simply for the needs of our community. The meeting will be via Zoom and you can join us by clicking on the button below, or circle image.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Parish Prayer Ministry
Church life may not feel "normal" but there are still people praying for you as we navigate our way through these times. We not only have a dedicated e mail address prayerpetitions2020@gmail.com to take your requests, but also now a phone line so you can text petitions if you wish. The number is 0798 567 4053. If you would like someone to pray with you, a prayer minister will be available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 6.30pm and 7,30pm on this number for you to speak to.
Alpha Youth Online
Coming to Catholic Erskine
What is Alpha Youth?
Alpha Youth is a series of sessions which include
The topics covered in Alpha Youth are:
1. Life: Is this it?
2. Jesus: Who is he?
3. Cross: Why did Jesus die?
4. Faith: How can I have faith?
5. Prayer: Why and how do I pray?
6. Bible: Why and how do I read the Bible?
7. Spirit: Who is he and what does he do?
The discussion questions for session one are:
1. If you had 24 hours to do anything, what would you do?
2. What makes you happy?
3. If it turned out that God existed after all, and you could ask him one question, what would it be?
Email the co-ordinator for more information and to register your interest.
Donations to Food Bank
Thank you for your generosity in giving for the Food Bank. Our instructions before the full lockdown was to leave your donations inside the door of the church. This is no longer possible. We would now ask that all donations for the Food Bank be left at the collection point in Morrison’s.
Diocesan Counselling Service for Catholics Married in the Catholic Church
The Marriage Counselling service for Paisley Diocese is approaching the end of it’s first year! We’d like to remind you that professionals working in this area (and evidence based studies) all give the same message – “don’t leave it too late, get along to discuss professional help if your difficulties are not going away”. The first session is a chance for you to meet with the counsellor and then go away and decide if it might work for you as a couple. To see the testimonials of some couples who have used the service please visit https://rcdop.org.uk/marriage-counselling-service-1 Or contact the counsellor directly for a chat on 01786 469939 or send a brief email to she.dowds@gmail.com There are posters about the service in your church and your parish priest can also give you the necessary contact details.
Diocesan Courage Apostolate for Catholics with Same Sex Attraction
Paisley Diocese has set up a Courage Chapter of pastoral ministry for those in our diocesan community with same sex attraction, who are looking to live faithfully their Catholic faith. Courage is an international apostolate with over 100 Chapters worldwide and endorsed by the Holy See. It aims to help members find peace through fellowship, prayer, the Sacraments, and an appreciation of Church's teachings in chastity. It extends the Church's invitation to a life of peace, and grace to grow in Christian maturity. For information or advice please email in confidence our diocesan priest chaplain at Courage@rcdop.org.uk
St. Margaret’s Adoption Society
St. Margaret’s Adoption Society are currently looking to recruit prospective adopters. If you have ever thought about adoption as a way to grow your family and would like to know more, please contact our office for a chat with one of our friendly and experienced staff on 0141 332 8371 or email info@stmargaretsadoption.org.uk