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You have selected that you want to register five people.  If this is NOT correct please click here.

All information marked * is required to complete the registration.

Household Registration: Main contact 

Please select the Parish that you are registering for. *

How long have you been a member of the Parish community? *

Please provide the following contact information. If, for example, you do not have an email address, just leave blank.

It would be helpful if you were willing to provide your date of birth or age-range.


Please select which ever you are more comfortable providing. You can of course choose not to disclose either.

When the calendar pops up, first select the month, then the year and finally the day of the month.

Please select from the drop down list.

We are all called to be Stewards. As a Church we rely on the generosity of everyone in our community to help us fund the ongoing expenses to run our liturgy, church events and maintain our church buildings. We encourage you to sign up for regular giving. It will enable us to plan for the year ahead and how much money we can allocate to the many activities we run. We also appreciate any amount you can regularly give and thank you for your generosity. It is essential that everyone within our parish community contributes to our ability to grow and flourish, either by way of monitory support of our planned giving program, by volunteering your talents/skills and or both.

Would you like to be contacted about setting up a regular standing order, or to gift aid your any donation that you may make?

Please tick

Would you like to be contacted about how you might help in one of our ministries, volunteer your time or skills?

Please tick

Household Registration: 2nd Person 

Please provide the relationship to the main person? *

How long have you been a member of the Parish community? *

Household Registration: 3rd Person 

Please provide the relationship to the main person? *

How long have you been a member of the Parish community? *

Household Registration: 4th Person 

Please provide the relationship to the main person? *

How long have you been a member of the Parish community? *

Household Registration: 5th Person 

Please provide the relationship to the main person? *

How long have you been a member of the Parish community? *

By submitting this form you are confirming that you are consenting to the Parish holding and processing your personal data for the following purpose. To keep you informed about news, events, activities, services, planning purposes and data analysis. You can unsubscribe at any time using the unsubscribe facility at the foot of every email sent from the Parish or by using the website contact form to send a message.

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